Блюдо подается ящиками. Блюдо подается ящиками
Блюдо подается ящиками - Задание
Комментарий от Aislinana
Boat is located slightly south of where the quest map is marked. Wrecked lifeboat is at 49,81 and is an executable in the sand.Комментарий от Thortok2000
At the time of this writing, this quest is currently bugged to give Booty Bay rep AND give Bloodsail Buccaneers rep. It's intended to have this decrease Bloodsail Buccaneers rep like all other Booty Bay quests.Edit: Fixed in 4.0.6.
Комментарий от DarkShado
This is NOT in the water Carbonite and other quest programs will tell you this is in the water that is incorrect.Go the life boat at 49,81 it is on the Wild Shore. that is the correct location for this quest.
When you mouse over the life boat you should see the little gold cog. Click on the boat then choose "Place the food and drink inside the lifeboat"
you will see Negolash come up out of the water.
You will get 1 gold and Smotts' Compass and I gained 3600 exp.
You will get the following rep. This is as of 4.0.3Bootybay + 350Rachet + 175Gadgetzan + 175Everlook + 175Bloodsail Buccaneers + 350
Not sure if that is a bug or not with the Bloodsail Buccaneers andwhy we are getting +350 rep with them.
Комментарий от Sweetscot
I would imagine the giant would be a menace to both the goblins and the pirates...maybe it's intentional.Комментарий от RaQin
BTW: as of this patch you can click on the boat over and over so long as you haven't turned the quest in.He respawns instantly and you can kill him time after time. Just for fun of course...
Комментарий от dfblair
the boat sits under twin palm trees on a little point that sticks out from the shore line, across from the big island. It is a little farther south than the map dot will show. The map dot has you swimming to find the life boat but it is on shore.Комментарий от Heekale
The title of the quest probably refers to the proverb Revenge is a dish best served cold; you might want to check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revenge#Proverbially for more on this.Комментарий от rosemwelch
The lifeboat is next to a palm tree on a small outlet. The giant is not lootable. :(
Комментарий от norbert100r
good queast
Комментарий от Kymie
Is this quest still available?
Комментарий от johnnywow
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Kymie, yes it is.
Комментарий от edmorado
I have a problem in this quest. I can't get the food. I already bought the wine, but I need the wings. I don't know where I could get them.
Комментарий от gahrek
The lifeboat coords are: 49.66 - 81.23
Комментарий от tcatzzz
Coords to boat: 50,81
Комментарий от selkie47
I ate the burger. Scared me that I wouldn't be able to complete the quest. Now I have a "buff" for 2 hours that says I am nauseous...Комментарий от GitGudGuides
A Dish Best Served Huge http://youtu.be/ZkWSdsEm-jYКомментарий от Boxofbeer
A Dish Best Served HugeКомментарий от WoWGnGP
I made i playthrough of this quest if anyone wish to see how to do it :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsJEcvINutE&feature=youtu.be
Комментарий от CzechCloud
The boat is at 49, 81Комментарий от machina2413
How to do:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96qutqshImA Отнесите гигантский ящик еды для великанов в спасательную шлюпку капитана Смоттса, затем приманите с ее помощью Неголаша и убейте его. Прилагается предмет:Описание
Возьми эту провизию, отправляйся на юг вдоль побережья, найди нашу старую спасательную шлюпку и погрузи в нее поклажу. Как только Неголаш почует запах вкусного, он тут же прибежит со всех ног.Как раз туда, где поджидает <храбрый/храбрая:c> |3-6(<класс>), чтобы закинуть его труп подальше в морскую пучину.
Не могу поверить своему счастью, Шаурмасмерти! Встреча с тобой – моя самая большая удача!Если я когда-нибудь обзаведусь новым судном, а тебе захочется походить под парусами – я буду только рад такому гостю.
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Великанское пиршество - Задание - World of Warcraft
Комментарий от Cyonisper
Grade E!Its 4 More then A!Judging by the fact that F means Unedable, and D means hardly edible.... I feel like the guess work for this peice of meat will either make or break your low level toon.Its times like these I'm proud to say my Tauren doesn't eat meat.
Комментарий от SubjectV
The two items you need are purchased from people within Booty Bay.- Crate of Grade-E Meat: Kelsey Yance (located in the Old Port Authority ... enter the central door, go to the left)- Crate of Pupellyverbos Port: Whiskey Slim (located in the Inn ... gnome by the door on the bottom floor)
Комментарий от Ainasni
As stated in the questtext, you need to buy these.Whiskey Slim is in the inn in Booty bay.Kelsey Yance is in the The old Port Authority in Booty bay (42,69)
Комментарий от Thortok2000
At the time of this writing, this quest is currently bugged to GIVE rep with Bloodsail Buccaneers. Intended is for it to reduce rep.Edit: Fixed in 4.0.6.
Комментарий от Wargy
Confirmed, it adds +150 rep with Bloodsail, while adding rep with the rest of Steamwheedle Cartel too.Edit: It seems that the follow up quests also add rep with BB.
Комментарий от Warlikke
At the time of this writing, this quest is currently bugged to GIVE rep with Bloodsail Buccaneers. Intended is for it to reduce rep.
Could this be intentional as the world of Azeroth has change for patch 4.0.3a?
Комментарий от blonde4eyes
As of 1/4/2011, quest is still glitched with rep increasing to Bloodsail Buccaneers.~If anyone is like me, Yancy is across from the goblin who sells "pirate supplies"
Комментарий от Damonra
Instructions were perfect. TY.
Комментарий от comptonlord
For the old port authority its actually at 41.0,74.0 right inside the door of the inn
Комментарий от Macree
Kelsey Yance = Enter the "Old Port Authority" (bottom level) at 42,70 and NPC is at 42,68.Whiskey Slim = Enter the "Salty Sailor Tavern" (top level) at 40,74 and NPC is at 41,74 on the right.
Комментарий от mykroar
150 rep with Booty Bay75 with all other Goblin reps (Everlook, Gadgetzan & Ratchet)Комментарий от blueeyes303
Okay.Firstly I found this quest difficult as I am bad at finding my way around and I was completely hopeless at finding the NPC's. And I do not use coordinates.
Here's my tips on finding them!
Kelsey Yance - - NOT ON THE LOWEST LEVEL. Simplest way to find him: go through the entrance to Booty Bay, down the ramps. Carry on straight and it's the first building entrance you will come to (will a red drape above it). He is on the left at the back!
Whiskey Slim - - Again THIS IS NOT THE HIGHEST LEVEL. Best way. Go up one level from the deck that you walked in to Booty Bay on. He's on the building at the end before you go down a ramp to the Bank.!
Комментарий от Donna
I did this quest today and found Whiskey Slim in the Inn on the bottom floor.. Hope that helpsКомментарий от GitGudGuides
A Giant's Feast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tfSzBs5Gn8Комментарий от Boxofbeer
A Giant's FeastКомментарий от WoWGnGP
I made i playthrough of this quest if anyone wish to see how to do it :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srdwL4fFwDM&feature=youtu.beКомментарий от machina2413
Sample video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LANmSMpUvqQ Купите ящик третьесортного мяса у Келси Янса и ящик портвейна "Пупелливербос" у Алкача Виски.Описание
Следующего по списку великана зовут Неголаш. Как сейчас вижу – выныривает он из пены морской и хватает беднягу юнгу Поля.Проглотил в один присест. И еще бизань-мачту мне сломал.
Ни один человек из моей команды не заслуживает такой поганой смерти. А потому мы возьмем Неголаша на его прожорливости. Келси Янс пришлет тебе кой-какого мяска, а у Алкача Виски выпивки хватит, чтобы море стало по колено... даже морскому великану. Обоих ты найдешь в городе.
Нам понадобится много жратвы, Бякку. В нашем деле количество превалирует над качеством.
Недорого ведь вышло, да? Ну, вот тебе горсть песо, чтобы компенсировать расходы.А теперь – пошли мстить!
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Marksmanship Hunter Talents & Build Guide – Legion 7.3.5 - Guides
Welcome to the Marksmanship Hunter Talent guide! This guide provides an overview of all Marksman hunter talents, information on which talents work well in different situations, and popular MM hunter builds in Wowhead's talent calculator. This guide is written by Delirium from the Thrill of the Wild and the Hunting Party Podcast. Updated for the latest patch.
Quick Talent Builds
Marksman Hunters in 7.3 will have some variation in what talents they take depending on the type of encounter they face. The following represents the builds considered optimal for most raid bosses in the Tomb of Sargeras raid, but will need to be tweaked depending on the specific boss, or specific strategy your raid team is using.
**Notes** Tiers not selected on the Talent Calculators below do no affect DPS, and should be chosen based on personal preference, and the utility needs of a specific boss encounter; there are no specific talents in these tiers which are best in all situations, except that Быстрая реакция is always awesome. The following MM Hunter builds were developed based on the performance of top hunters on raid logging sites, mathematical analysis, simulations and common sense. There are situations where one Talent may give you more potential DPS than another, but still not be preferable if it has too many other drawbacks. This is generally only the case in talents that do lots of AoE damage, but cause you to perform significantly less priority target damage, and will be worse for you as a member of a raid team. With that said, different teams have different needs, and experimenting with various builds to see what works best with your specific set of circumstances is always advisable.
Recommended Single Target Raiding Talents
Recommended Priority Target with some Target Swapping Raiding Talents
Recommended Multi-Target Raiding Talents
Tier 15:
Tier 30:
Tier 45:
Tier 60:
- Разрывной выстрел - Fires a slow-moving shot that moves forward in the direction you're facing (not at your target), dealing significant fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards when detonated. This provides large on-demand AoE burst when targets can be stacked, and should be used in those situations.
- Часовой - Place a 10-yard radius circle on the ground which lasts for 18 seconds, every 6 seconds until it expires all enemies in this area are marked with Hunter's Mark. This talent was forgotten about when Blizzard nerfed Marked Shot to not increase in damage from Vulnerable several patches ago. As such, this talent is not worth taking ever.
- Терпеливый снайпер - Increases your maximum focus by 30, and causes Vulnerable to increase your Прицельный выстрел damage by an additional 6% every second until Vulnerable expires. This is considered the best single target option for MM Hunters.
Tier 75:
- Связующий выстрел - Stuns all enemies within 5 yards of targeted location for 5 seconds if they attempt to move outside the targeted area.
- Укус виверны - Puts your target to sleep for 30 seconds.
- Камуфляж - You and your pet blend into the surroundings and gain stealth for minute. While camouflaged, you heal for 2% every second.
Tier 90:
- Стая воронов - A murder of crows attack your target for 15 seconds, dealing damage each second. This is a strong single target ability with a small focus cost. It technically provides the highest potential damage for pure single fights, and provides much greater burst damage for priority targets; however, there aren't many fights in Nighthold that take advantage of that fact, so many MM Hunters choose to use Volley instead.
- Шквал - Fires a spray of shots for 3 seconds. This ability was nerfed considerably in patch 7.1.5, and no longer does double damage to its target, and as such, is no longer a viable option when there is a priority target. The only time it may become relevant is in AoE situations which are too spread out to hit with Беглый огонь and when burst AoE is more important than damaging any particular target.
- Беглый огонь - While active, your auto shots cost 3 focus, and drop a volley of arrows that hit your target and all other nearby enemies. This is the highest potential AoE ability in this tier, but does not cover a wide range, and thus requires the adds to all be stacked relatively close to your target. Because this provides some additional single target damage, this is a very good option for fights that have a mixture of AoE and Single Target, as its single target potential is not much lower than a Murder of Crows, but it's AoE potential is significantly greater.
Tier 100:
- Рогатые гремучие змеи -Launches a snake from your bow which travels toward the target, weaving back and forth and dealing nature damage to each target hit, also applying Уязвимость to all targets as well as Метка охотника if Указание на цели is proc'ed, and generating 35 focus. Because Прицельный залп is no longer buffed by Уязвимость, this is not as enticing of a talent as it was in the beginning of the expansion. You may, however, find it useful on the occasion that your targets are too spread out to hit with Залп. In that case, targeting the enemy who is farthest away will allow Рогатые гремучие змеи to hit most every target in a room.
- Пронзающий выстрел - A shot which uses between 20 and 100 focus, dealing 1350% weapon damage at 100 focus, scaling down to 270% weapon damage at 20 focus, and also dealing half as much damage to any enemies between you and the target. Despite respectable AoE damage when lined up well, the focus cost of this ability will generally cause you to lose too much priority target DPS to make this talent a good choice. When it is taken, it is best to use this talent with 100 or greater focus, getting the full damage potential. Do so when you're having an unlucky streak of no Marking Targets procs, and you'll have respectable damage from this talent.
- Коварный выстрел - Прицельный выстрел will now also ricochet and hit all Уязвимость targets for 30% as much damage. When there are no Уязвимость targets, the damage of your next Прицельный выстрел is increased by 15%. Because of the baseline buff to Aimed Shot, this talent is now considered the top choice for single target situations, and has the added benefit of allowing you to preform your max priority target rotation while doing decent AoE/cleave damage.
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13 ресторанов, отказавшихся от подачи блюд в тарелках (13 фото)
Почему же некоторые рестораны решили отказаться от тарелок? Некоторые формы подачи блюд веселят, другие шокируют. Так или иначе, поход в подобные рестораны вам точно запомнится.
1. Ресторан The Elk in the Woods, Лондон, Великобритания
Подача блюда прямо в сковородке
2. Ресторан Crazy Cow в Цюрихе, Швейцария
Хлеб подают в тапках
3. Ресторан My Meat Wagon
Блюдо подается на деревянной доске, а картофель фри в миниатюрной тележке
4. Ресторан TheBotanistNCL, Ньюкасл-апон-Тайн, Великобритания
Рыба с жареной картошкой, гороховым пюре и соусом тартар в деревянном ящике
Кусочки масла на ломанной керамической плитке
Девушка насладилась футуристическим салатом, поданным на глыбе от Гибралтарской скалы, возможно, это даже метеорит из крабовидной туманности
Подача гарнира в винном бокале
Блюдо для садоводов: грибы в лопатке
9. The Garden Kitchen, Клитеро, Великобритания
Настоящий пикник на скамейке
Местный йоркширский деликатес - хлеб в кепке
Картофельные крокеты в силиконовом кроссовке
Подача стейка на тесаке
Подача салата в перевернутом винном бокале
Скруджи & НАZИМА - Real One (премьера клипа, 2018)
Скруджи & НАZИМА - Real One (премьера клипа, 2018)
Скруджи & НАZИМА - Real One (премьера клипа, 2018)
Скруджи и НАZИМА - Real OneСлушай и скачивай трек:Apple Music: black-star.ru/real_one_amiTunes: black-star.ru/real_one_itЯндекс.Музыка: black-star.ru/real_one_ymGoogle Play: black-star.ru/real_one_gpВконтакте и BOOM: vk.cc/82nSTQMusic prod. Diamond Style x KenNYMusixПродюсер: Корнелия ПолякРежиссер-постановщик: Заур ЗасеевОператор-постановщик: Антон Зенкович Сценарий: Заур Засеев, Александр Егоров, Антон Шеенсон, Михаил Какубери 1st AD: Ганна МалышеваДиректор съемочной группы: Владимир ОлефиренкоHead of production: Виталий ОрелPost production supervisor: Иван ХудолийPost production: HoodyFX__________________________________
Организация концертов НАZИМА:Тел.: +7(965) 407-79-94 (Прохор)E-mail: [email protected]Концертный график: black-star.ru/concerts/Организация концертов Скруджи:Тел.: +7 (965) 407-78-19 (Никита)E-mail: [email protected]Концертный график: black-star.ru/concerts/scroodgee/
Скруджи в социальных сетях:Вконтакте: vk.com/scroodgee_officialИнстаграм: instagram.com/scroodgee_officialFacebook: facebook.com/scroodgee.officialOk.ru: ok.ru/scroodgee.officialНАZИМА в социальных сетях:Вконтакте: vk.com/nazima_13Инстаграм: instagram.com/13nazimaFacebook: black-star.ru/nazima_facebookOk.ru: black-star.ru/nazima_ok
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